Zagrań: | 59 407 |
Rozmiar gry: | 135,24 kB |
Użytkowników lubiących grę: | 14 |
Ocena: | 3,16 |
Łącznie głosów: | 40 |
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"Sorry, Ted, but I'm not a deep throat girl. No way I can get all this in my mouth ."
"I have no complaints about what you're doing", I said with a smile .
Linda returned to bobbing her head up and down my shaft fitting what she could then holding my cock as she licked up and down the length. She grasped my cock with two hands and slid her hands up and down several times before returning to kissing and licking and teasing me with flicks of her tongue under the tip. Grasping my balls and giving a bit of a squeeze she looked at me.
"I want this load all in my mouth. I want to feel your cum hitting my throat . I want to taste you and savor your semen. Don't warn me, just shoot that load when ready."
Then Linda began sucking and bobbing on my cock while stroking what didn't fit in her mouth. Faster and harder she sucked, licked, down, up, sucking, balls tightened and I came. Large spurts of come flooding her mouth. She swallowed, but some escaped, she swallowed again trying to keep up with the surge as I grunted and spurted a third time. She sucked the remainder from me, squeezing my cock as if she could wring more from me, then licking any that has escaped, ensuring she got every drop. Then she sat up and looked at me.