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Profil: Enagames1

Login: Enagames1
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Zarejestrowany: 11.07.2016r.
Ost. logowanie: 20.02.2017, 13:00
Punkty: 89
Status offline

środa, 14.09.2016r.

Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: Wyobraźmy sobie sytuację, że pewien dziadek i jego wnuczek mieszkali w małej miejscowości. Po latach dowiedział się, że jego wnuk został stracony, a jego dusza złapana przez wampira. Teraz jako gracz musisz uwolnić duszę wnuka z rąk wampira. Pomogą Ci w tym odkryte wskazówki i znalezione przedmioty.

Zbierz odpowiednie przedmioty i korzystaj z nich w odpowiednich miejscach. Kliknij na obiekty do interakcji z nimi i rozwiązuj proste zagadki.

wtorek, 13.09.2016r.

Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: ISLAND – ALIEN MYSTERY is an interesting and amazing point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Game Studio for free. In the previous level,we have collected nineth neutral device from waste garage.Now you have to collect final device from island to rescue the puppy from alien ship. If you have the good problem solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.

poniedziałek, 12.09.2016r.

Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: Crystal Stone – The Scary Number is an enchanting point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Games Studio for free. Visualize a situation that you went to a scary world in the dream. If you want to get released from the scary world you need to find the crystal stones and give it to the witch. This game is going to be a mind blowing game, as it is the final sequel of all the games. As you are a person of good decision making capabilities, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving puzzles. Have a greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best Wishes from escape games.

niedziela, 11.09.2016r.

Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: Ena Game Studio presents the DEAD END,which is a point and click new escape game is a series of 9 levels full excitement and interesting.The Story of the game with the murder of a big businessman in the city.Assumethat your father is agreat detective in the city,who is handling that murder case.After some days your father was missing. Now as a son, you have to find your missing father.So you are getting involved into the case.Now it is your responsibility to find your father and also to find the murderer in the businessman,s murder case.However this is not going to be an easier one.So you need to use all your analytical skills with determination.It is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and soling the puzzles.Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily.Good luck And Best wishes from escape games.

sobota, 10.09.2016r.

Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: DWARF RESCUE – THE SCARY NUMBERS is an interesting and amazing point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Game Studio for free. Imagine a situation there was a dwarf people.One day they went for searching crystals in fantasy world.Unfortunately they were captured by tree and make them as crystals.It is your responsibility to rescue dwarf peoples from the fantasy world. If you have the good problem solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.

piątek, 09.09.2016r.

Enagames1 zagłosował
Opis gry: WASTE GARAGE – ALIEN MYSTERY is an interesting and amazing point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Game Studio for free. Imagine a situation that you got informations as your puppy was captured by Alien space ship. Also, you got the informations that your puppy would be released only if you collect the ten neutral devices from different places and fix it in the space ship. If you have the good problem solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.
Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: WASTE GARAGE – ALIEN MYSTERY is an interesting and amazing point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Game Studio for free. Imagine a situation that you got informations as your puppy was captured by Alien space ship. Also, you got the informations that your puppy would be released only if you collect the ten neutral devices from different places and fix it in the space ship. If you have the good problem solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.

czwartek, 08.09.2016r.

Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: Wyobraź sobie, ze Twój szczeniak został porwany przez kosmitów i zostanie oddany tylko wtedy, gdy odnajdziesz 10 urządzeń potrzebnych do naprawy ich statku.

środa, 07.09.2016r.

Enagames1 dodał
Opis gry: TRIBAL KING RESCUE – THE SCARY NUMBERS is an interesting and amazing point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Game Studio for free. Imagine a situation that you went to scary world in a dream.There was a witch in a scary world and gave you ten tasks to complete.The witch said that if you complete those tasks you will be released. If you have the good problem solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.

wtorek, 06.09.2016r.

Enagames1 zagłosował
Opis gry: SAVE THE VILLAGE FROM VAMPIRE – THE SCARY NUMBERS is an interesting and amazing point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Game Studio for free. Imagine a situation that you went to scary world in a dream.There was a witch in a scary world and gave you ten tasks to complete.The witch said that if you complete those tasks you will be released. If you have the good problem solving nature, it is sure that you will succeed by finding the necessary objects and solving the puzzles. Have greater excitement and fun by playing escape games daily. Good Luck and Best wishes from escape games.
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