Giercownia - Gry Online

Profil: piotrek121

Login: piotrek121
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Zarejestrowany: 20.07.2010r.
Ost. logowanie: 09.06.2015, 22:32
Punkty: 327
Wiek 22
Status offline
Opis jestem fajny,ubie gry takie jak,street fighter2,mortal kombat4 i warcraft2

czwartek, 25.11.2010r.

piotrek121 zagłosował
Opis gry: Znajdź przedmioty, które pomogą ci wydostać się z pomieszczenia!
Jest kontynuacja gier The Great Kitchen Escape, i The Great Living Room Escape.
Zapraszam do gry i życzymy powodzenia.
piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: extra 5/5 i do ulu
piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: kopiujcie żeby wszystko było wyżej:earth + fire = lava, air + earth = dust, air + fire = energy, energy + air = storm ,fire + dust = ash, lava + air = storm, fire + stone = metal, water + stone = sand, energy + metal = electricity water + air = steam metal + steam = boiler fire + sand = glass water + earth = swamp fire + water = alcohol swamp + sand = clay swamp + energy = life alcohol + water = vodka water + life = weeds swamp + life = bacteria swamp + weeds = moss earth + moss = grass swamp + grass = reed water + bacteria = plankton life + sand = seeds life + ash = ghost life + stone = egg egg + earth = dinosaur dinosaur + fire = dragon air + egg = bird swamp + moss = fern clay + life = golem golem + life = human human + fire = corpse human + human = sex life + corpse = zombie zombie + corpse = ghoul human + energy = wizard wizard + energy = demigod seed + earth = tree human + metal = tools metal + tools = weapons weapons + man = hunter hunter + weapons = warrior warrior + dragon = hero + blood blood + human = vampire fire + clay = bricks tools + reed = paper bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood tree + tool = wood feather + paper = book swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur tree + fire = ash + ash + coal coal + boiler = steam-engine human + alcohol = alcoholic sand + worm = snake snake + water = fish water + coal = oil plankton + fish = whale snake + tools = poison poison + weapon = poisoned weapon poisoned weapon + human = assassin wood + tool = wheel earth + tools = field field + seeds = wheat wheat + stone = flour flour + water = dough dough + fire = bread bread + alcohol = beer sand + egg = turtle swamp + egg = lizard wood + wheel = cart cart + steam engine = locomotive bird + fire = phoenix lizard + earth = beast beast + vampire = werewolf worm + earth = beetle fire + grass = tobacco beetle + sand = scorpion tobacco + paper = cigarette wood + water = boat cart + beast = chariot hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood human + clay = ceramics human + stone = hut stone + plankton = shell shell + stone = limestone limestone + clay = cement tools + wool = fabric human + beast = domesticated animal life + tree = treant weeds + earth = mushroom water + cement = concrete concrete + bricks = house fish + beast = dolphin wood + boat = ship oil + cart = car car + air = plane fabric + human = clothes air + worm = butterfly 100. storm + bird = thunderbird glass + house = skyscraper domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder weapon + gunpowder = firearm ship + fabric = frigate ship + steam engine = steamship ma być wyżej

wtorek, 23.11.2010r.

piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: extra 5/5 i do do ulu
piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: czad ale biedny patyczak 10/5 i do ulu

środa, 17.11.2010r.

piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: czad NAN/5 i do ulu

niedziela, 07.11.2010r.

piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: Fajne 1000/5

czwartek, 04.11.2010r.

piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: super gra 1000/5
piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: gorszego RPG nie widziałem :@

poniedziałek, 30.08.2010r.

piotrek121 skomentował
Treść komentarza: nic nie warte ciągle tylko '' Błąd na stronie.''
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