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Zarejestrowany: 23.12.2020r.
Ost. logowanie: 23.12.2020, 06:38
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Opis It was the beginning of a school day, which meant that Freya was off in the care of an educator whose job it was to take care of their daughter for at least six hours. It was also Christy's day to take her in to the school, which meant that the couple were up and awake before noon. Given the choice (and thanks to the journal they had the choice) Christy would have slept (and frequently did) until noon whenever she could. The journal could have made her bright-eyed and bushy tailed first thing in the morning (and on their friskier days, sometimes an actual bushy tail was involved) but she didn't really like doing that very often, nor did she want to make it a permanent thing. She enjoyed her somewhat nocturnal circadian rhythm, so only used the journal when lack of sleep would negatively impact her ability to take care of her wife and daughter.At the moment, though, thanks to Christy's habit of "getting domestic" (as JoLene liked to put it), she'd been up for a couple of hours by this point, having already used the car, which meant she'd had to be well and truly awake. Which also meant that when her wife was feeling frisky, she was available.As soon as she opened the door to their apartment, her wife's hands reached out, yanked her in, and slammed the door closed. She was pinned to the wall, her shirt and bra being unceremoniously yanked up so JoLene could have ready access to her massive melons. Thanks to the journal and her personal tastes, her tits were as sensitive as her labia, and her nipples as sensitive as her clit. As soon as her wife's lips latched onto her left nipple and her tongue started flicking across it, she felt an orgasm approaching. By the time JoLene's ministrations caused her to express a trickle of milk, her legs were quaking and she barely remained upright by holding on to her wife's shoulders."Let...let me sit down, dear!" she gasped out.www.hotmyfreecams.comThat was when she found out that JoLene had been tinkering with the journal a bit; she felt a pair of hands reach around and cup her bubble butt, and all 260 pounds of her were lifted up like she only weighed as much as one of their cats. Her vision was clouded with sparks as her arousal cranked up, fingertips grazing her pussy lips and anus, her wife's mouth switching to her right breast as she was carried through the apartment to the bedroom. The next time she could think clearly was when she was playfully tossed onto the bed on her back, the bouncing of her body causing her freed breasts to wobble enough to tap her chin. As her legs stopped shivering from the pleasure she'd been inflicted with, she was able to focus on watching JoLene remove the few items of clothing she'd put on while they were getting Freya ready for school."Decided to play around a bit, I see?" she sighed happily, watching as her wife's body was revealed, showing some gloriously sculpted muscles, including a six-pack and arms... Oh, my...GOD those arms! ...and legs that looked like she could squat with a car on her back. Christy always did suspect JoLene was a bit jealous of her brothers, and this just kinda proved it to her. Not that she said anything, any mention of her family tended to shut off JoLene's libido faster than the ice bucket challenge. JoLene had often complained both before and after the divorce about how her brothers (especially James) would work out obsessively to bulk up. The only places fat could be seen on this sculpted amazon in front of her was her chest, where a pair of breasts that were even bigger than Christy's own with nipples as big around as her thumb, and her ass, which was padded with enough fat to make it round and bubble-shaped, only just barely hiding the massive gluteal muscles underneath.As she scrambled to catch up to her wife's nudity, JoLene crawled on the bed, "Yes, I got inspired when we watched Wonder Woman last night...I'm worried I got a little carried away?" she said hesitantly."What?!" gasped Christy from under her shirt and bra, which had snagged up as she was trying to remove them quickly thanks to JoLene's manhandling at the front door. With an impatient yank, she finally got them off, leaving her only in her skinny-jeans (no panties, she LOVED going commando whenever she could) and one five-inch heeled sandal that hadn't fallen off when JoLene picked her up at the front door. "Fuck no! Goddess...that's all I can think to call you right now is GODDESS!" she nearly leapt at her lover, running her hands over the chiseled physique, her pussy throbbing and a significant wet spot now blatantly obvious on her crotch.JoLene kissed Christy deeply. "Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried you'd be turned off by this, but I was so eager to try this out, and whenever I got more muscle definition and every time I flexed in front of the mirror, I wanted more and more, until finally..." she waved at herself.Christy was scrambling to get her jeans off, having kicked off her sandal while JoLene was talking, "Dear, I've told you before, I love you, so therefor any form you take that makes you feel happy and, well, like you belong in that body makes me horny as fuck." Her sentence was punctuated when she managed to get her pants off finally, and JoLene didn't even let her close her legs, one hand grabbing the ankle that had just been freed of denim and the other going to Christy's engorged pussy lips.Christy didn't even try to stop her, reaching out to grab her wife's massive breasts, caressing, squeezing, and gently tugging as her lips sought her wife's and they engaged in a long kiss that got hotter and heavier, until JoLene's attention to Christy's pussy caused her to collapse back on the bed, eyes rolling up into her head and eyelids fluttering closed, gasping and moaning as her second cum of the morning hit her.JoLene moaned with desire as she watched her wife twitching on the bed, "...why did I fight this for so many years?" she asked the air.Christy heaved a deep breath and replied, "Fear...fear that you've managed to conquer." She opened her eyes, "Which makes this gorgeous warrior woman I see in front of me so appropriate! You conquered, and..." she paused for effect as she trailed her fingers over the rock hard abs, "...when I think of what the sexiest, most gorgeous Amazon queen should look like," she paused again, this time to attempt to heft a massive breast in each hand, "This is that fantasy."top free porn sitesShe was a little surprised when her praise was met with a hint of nervousness. It was amusing, watching this buff, sculpted, paragon of Amazonian beauty suddenly acting like a Japanese schoolgirl seeking that coveted notice from her senpai. "JoLene..." she began, somewhat stern. She hadn't been a Domme for nearly a decade now, but she knew that the Domme Tone was sometimes called for when her wife needed a little help overcoming an inner demon. "'re hiding something, what is it?""It's...well...I was going to...but I didn't know...I..." JoLene was stammering.Christy stifled a sigh, Oh, boy, she thought, It's going to be one of THOSE things. Periodically JoLene still tripped over "what other people want of me," instead of focussing on what she wanted for herself. Knowing she'd need to take charge a little more, Christy got into a kneeling position and crossed her arms over her chest. It seemed a little counter-intuitive, after all, her bust now was practically being squeezed like a stress toy, but the action covered her nipples, which she knew from experience were the part of her breasts that distracted her wife the most. With her primary and secondary sexual characteristics at least somewhat covered, she addressed the Amazon. "OK, dear. Close your eyes."JoLene groaned at this, "But...""Ep, ep, ep!" interrupted Christy, "Eyes closed!" As usual, the dominant tone worked, and JoLene's eyelids fluttered closed, even as a mildly irritated expression blanketed her face. "OK, so imagine you're in a quiet room. The temperature's perfect for you to be completely naked, and so you are. You're the only one in the room, so you don't feel nervous or uncomfortable or like you have to do anything for anyone. You got that?""Christy," whined JoLene with her eyes closed, "I don't think...""Ahem!" snipped her wife, "You, room, naked, comfortable. You there yet?"JoLene sighed and started to settle into a meditative state. It took a couple moments, but she finally started exhibiting the traits of someone who was in a trance state, "Yes, I am now.""OK, good. There's a mirror there. In the mirror, you can see your most ideal physical form, the best body you could possibly imagine having. It's so ideally suited to you that when you or anyone else look on this image, there's no question, even if they've never seen you before, that this is you. Now, I want you to describe what you see, highlighting the things that are different from what you look like now.""My hair is a smooth, silky red with some bouncy curl to it." she says quietly. Christy glanced up at her wife's hair, at the salt-and-pepper coloration that she had naturally. JoLene had been one of those unfortunate people to start going gray early, as far back as her mid-20's. She never had liked that about herself, so it made sense to Christy that this would be one of the first things she mentioned. "My face is without wrinkles or blemishes, and my chin doesn't look like a man's chin." At this, Christy rolled her eyes. She'd tried to tell her wife time and again, practically as early as their first date over two decades prior, that her jaw wasn't 'manly,' but the woman was so convinced she had a masculine face that she wouldn't listen to anything to the contrary. "My lips are full and red, but look natural on my face." This one took Christy a bit by surprise, she'd never heard her wife express a desire for full lips before, and in fact they'd taken turns making fun of the "dick sucking lips" pics they'd occasionally find online. Neither of them found the "just got punched in the mouth" look attractive, so Christy never suspected that her wife would want plumper lips. The caveat that her lips should look natural on her face made sense in that context, though. There was a significant enough pause at this point that Christy suspected her wife was giving significant thought to her form at this point. A considered, inquisitive expression appeared on the meditating woman's face, before finally saying, "My body right now looks good, though. I like being this big and strong." There was a minor facial tick, an eyebrow lifting slightly, that told Christy that this wasn't entirely true, but true enough that even JoLene wasn't quite sure where the untruth lay in that statement. "Everything in the mirror is perfect, except..." she squirmed a bit, and Christy knew she was about to get to the heart of the matter."OK, my dear," she spoke for the first time in a couple minutes, "You need to relax more, go a bit deeper. Take a deep breath, and I'm going to count backwards from 10. By the time I reach 1, all the anxiety and fear you feel right now will fade to nothing more than background noise. So barely perceptible that it may as well not be there. This will grant you freedom, freedom to say what you're truly feeling right now." So saying, she counted backwards. This was something the pair of them had honed to a fine skill over the years since JoLene had graduated from her hypnosis class while earning her Holistic Health Practitioner degree, so by now they were both comfortable with the process. When Christy reached 1, JoLene took a deep, calming breath, and a look of tranquility settled on her features. "Alright, sweetheart, take another look at the mirror where you see your perfect self. You are now as you described to me, with the perfect hair, the perfect face, and the perfect body, except the one thing you were afraid to tell me about earlier. Now that the fear is gone, you are free to tell me what that one thing is. Take your time, and then reveal to me, but most importantly to yourself, what that one thing is that would make you perfect and perfectly happy."There was a pregnant pause while the words JoLene wanted to speak bubbled up to the surface, until she soon exclaimed, "A penis." As though this proclamation were the needle puncturing a massive water-bed sized balloon the now Amazonian woman had been carrying on her back, her shoulders squared even as she relaxed even further and a look of satisfied tranquility smoothed her features.Christy let some moments pass before she said, "Open your eyes, my dear."JoLene did so, and as the bedroom fluttered into view and she returned to full consciousness, she saw Christy sitting before her, an impish grin on her face as she held before her the journal, open to the most recently used page, her words jotted down in Christy's handwriting with enough embellishment to make the sentence flow together properly. Gasping, she glanced down between her legs to see, sure enough, there was a thick, appreciably long penis. It wasn't even hard and yet it was easily large enough to dwarf average men and a few male porn stars. As she looked down, her hair fell off her shoulder and into view, and sure enough it was a deep, rich, vibrant red, with enough curl in it to have a beautiful bounce to it. She knew without looking that her face would match what she imagined in her meditation, but because seeing is always believing, she turned to the closet doors, which had built in mirrors that covered the entire door panel. Sure enough, she had smooth skin, naturally seductive, nearly smokey eyes, and full, pouty lips. She slowly climbed off the bed, and as she did so her brand new scrotum dropped a pair of testicles behind her meaty cock, the sensation was so erotic to her she started feeling arousal. For the first time in her life she experienced the sensation of her dick hardening as she watched, her erection showing a truly mammoth cock. As she took in the vision before her, her nipples also hardened to points.JoLene looked past her reflection in the mirror to see her wife practically drooling over her perfected form. The look of absolute lust on the cherubic, feminine face on the statuesque blonde that used to be her husband dashed any remaining concerns that she might look like a freak with the cock between her legs. The feeling of satisfaction, that someone would be so attracted to her, gave her a surge in confidence. She felt so powerful now!And then her wife stood up, and that feeling ebbed. And it was the sudden loss of confidence that caught both her and her wife's attention. "What happened just now?" Christy said with concern."I...I don't know, I was feeling so right, so powerful, so confident, then you stood, and I...I had to look up at you...!" she gasped when she realized what she just said. "Oh...oh god! I don't mean...! You don't have to...!"Ah, thought Christy, This is what she couldn't quite place before. "JoLene, you silly goddess, did you need to be taller than me?"JoLene was by no means "short." She was taller than most men, let alone women. At 5' 9", she was a veritable giant. She was, however, the shortest in her family. Her baby sister was taller than her, and that was as damaging to her self-esteem as anything else she'd dealt with from her family. Christy's native height of 6' 6", however, dwarfed even her. The pair of them were already amazonian even before JoLene made herself a muscle goddess.A look of pure guilt was now etched on JoLene's face, "...but dear!" she gasped, "I don't need to be taller than you, really! I'm already tall, you just happen to be taller than me!"Christy put a fingertip over her beloved's newly plump lips. Hmm, maybe there's something to this thing with the lips after all... she let the thought trail off as she spoke to her wife, "Listen, I don't necessarily want to be as tall as I am. In fact, one of the worst aspects to my dysphoria before the divorce was because I'm so bloody tall! If I didn't make my figure so exaggeratedly female now, I'd still get mistaken for a man just because I'm so damn tall. If you want me to be shorter, I'll gladly be shorter than you."JoLene thought about this for a moment, and the more she pondered it, the more determined she grew. She was practically scowling when she finally spoke, "Can...can we heights?" she reached up to her beloved's shoulders and drew her close, her semi-rigid cock brushing Christy's thigh before it was pinned between their bodies, "You're the only person I know who's actually taller than both my brothers. If either of them have the guts to face me now, I want to be able to out-muscle them and tower over them!"Christy beamed at her lover, "That sounds like a great plan!" So saying, she retrieved the journal and pen from the bed, jotted down a new line, and their forms seemed to simply ripple without any actual movement, and suddenly JoLene had to look down at Christy, and when Christy looked up, for the first time, into her wife's eyes...Her heart leapt to her throat and her vision blurred. A feeling of overwhelming rightness came over her, as though this is where she always wanted to belong. She'd grown past the need to be taken care of decades ago, but the desire to have a big, powerful, strong lover to guard and protect her...somehow that had always been there, buried under the pile of hopes and dreams she thought she'd never attain. This one, returning from the archives of the library of her mind from years ago, so suddenly fulfilling a wish she wasn't even aware she still had, hit her like a hurricane."Dear," she choked out, "You are going to have to fuck me with that massive cock. You're going to do it over and over, and I'm going to cum like crazy and scream like a banshee, and I'm going to be bawling like a sorority watching a chick flick because right now I'm so happy it's coming out of me in any way possible!" she reached down between them and grabbed the massive, throbbing dick that was now attached to her wife. She giggled as tears streamed down her face; she really was the woman in the relationship now! She had her perfect lover, someone who wanted to be big and strong and powerful and who wanted her to be...just her. Girly and sweet and sexy and...she shuddered at the thoughts of what this change in their relationship held in store.JoLene swept her now shorter wife into a bridal carry and kissed her deeply, "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week." she said in a seductive, husky voice.Christy squealed in glee as her lover dropped her onto the bed again.


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